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Testimonals from RADAR Users

Below are testimonials from actual RADAR users in a variety of professional fields.

Social Worker

“As a social worker, I have been worried about pushing a child too far or re-traumatizing. This class helped me understand second session, coping skills, and how to safely engage a child.”

CAC Interviewer

RADAR is a fantastic resource for new and experienced interviewers alike. As a new interviewer, I felt fully prepared for any FI because our trainers challenged and supported us throughout RADAR training. The rest of my team and I now refer back to the RADAR book frequently when preparing for interviews and peer reviews. The versatile protocol gives new interviewers the necessary foundation for conducting basic interviews, and gives experienced interviewers the ability to adapt it to complex FIs. 

State CAC Director

RADAR was my preferred protocol throughout my two years as an interviewer. Specifically, I liked the structure. I felt more confident as a new interviewer using RADAR than I think I would have been in the other two models.

RADAR Interviewer

“I was surprised by how easy the Radar Interview is to learn and follow with just a little practice.”

RADAR JR. Interviewer

"Great training.  Great ideas for working with little ones.  I love the flexibility of all the screenings."



"Patrol officers need this training.  Please laminate the FirstCall model.  It deserves that much respect!"

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